You know how it is, sometimes you don't want to look at the screen anymore, and simply want to hold information and suggestions in your hand.
Therefore we continue to offer printed brochures, free of charge for ordering or downloading.
You'll see: especially our image brochure with the fold-out route and the lovely illustrations by Markus Lefrançois just calls for being spread out on the dining table or hung up on the wall – at home or in the classroom.
Which brochures would you like to order?

- Fold-out route planner
- Contact data of member places
- DIN A4, 6 standard pages on each side when unfolded
- Language: English (edition of 2020)
- 1 copy for free

UNESCO Welterbestätten entlang der Deutschen Märchenstraße /
UNESCO World Heritage sites along the German Fairy Tale Route
- Format: DIN Lang / format: DIN long
- Sprache: deutsch + englisch / language: German + English
- nur zum Herunterlande / download only

The Storied world of the Brothers Grimm.
On fairytale tracks from Hanau to Bremen.
A travel and reading book with fairy tales and legends on 445 pages.
Comprehensive information on the holiday route, as well as the most famous fairy tales and legends of the Brothers Grimm.
Language: English
Availabel via ISBN 978-3-8271-9139-7.

Fairytale coloring sheet based on a painting by Klaus Puth
- Format: A4
- 1 copy for free

- Fold-out route planner
- Contact data of member places
- DIN A4, 6 standard pages on each side when unfolded
- Language: Dutch (edition of 2018)
- download only

- Fold-out route planner
- Contact data of member places
- DIN A4, 6 standard pages on each side when unfolded
- Language: Spanish (edition of 2018)
- 1 copy for free

- Fold-out route planner
- Contact data of member places
- DIN A4, 6 standard pages on each side when unfolded
- Language: French (edition of 2018)
- download only

- Fold-out route planner
- Contact data of member places
- DIN A4, 6 standard pages on each side when unfolded
- Language: Japanese (edition of 2018)
- 1 copy for free

- Fold-out route planner
- Contact data of member places
- DIN A4, 6 standard pages on each side when unfolded
- Language: Chinese (edition of 2018)
-1 copy for free

Didactically elaborated teaching suggestions on the subject of Brothers Grimm / Fairy Tales / German Fairy Tale Route, as well as suitable teaching modules for preparation and follow-up of a trip along the German Fairy Tale Route.
- Format: A4
- Language: German
- Pages: 24
- Download only

Didactically elaborated lesson proposals with the topic: fairy tale workshop - fairy tales in class, also suitable teaching modules for preparation and follow-up of a trip along the German Fairy Tale Route
- Format: A4
- Language: German
- Pages: 30
- Download only

Didactically elaborated lesson proposals: They offer ideas for practical work for the beginning lesson with the help of the fairy tale street poster (contained in the image brochure) The tasks offered are suitable for dealing with fairy tales, sagas and legends.
- Format: A4
- Language: German
- Pages: 20
- Download only

- Fold-out route planner
- Contact data of member places
- DIN A4, 6 standard pages on each side when unfolded
- Language: German (edition of 2023)
- 1 copy for free

You can finally experience the German Fairy Tale Route by bike and e-bike:
The new bicycle guide published by Esterbauer Verlag offers three varied tours with around 1600 kilometres of routes.
300 pages with precise maps (scale 1:75. 000) , short route descriptions, town and city maps, comprehensive accommodation list as well as many service information (e. g. e-charging stations).
In store now. ISBN 978-3-7111-0114-3; price 17.90 €.

Fairytale travel by bike and pedelec on four exciting routes – picturesque place with history and stories amidst beautiful landscapes.
- Format: DIN long
- Number of pages: 8
- Language: German
- 1 copy for free

Selected caravan sites along our fantastic route.
Get in, drive off, arrive - at the German Fairy Tale Route!
- Format: DIN long
- Number of pages: 8
- Language: German
- 1 copy free

Current calendar of events of the German Fairy Tale Route and selected member locations.
- When ordering, we may also include current programs that are not available for download, depending on the stock.
- Language: German
- 1 copy free

Current calendar of events of the German Fairy Tale Route and selected member locations.
- When ordering, we may also include current programs that are not available for download, depending on the stock.
- Language: English
- 1 copy free
On fairytale tracks from Hanau to Bremen.
A travel and reading book with fairy tales and legends on 560 pages.
Comprehensive information on the holiday route, as well as the most famous fairy tales and legends of the Brothers Grimm. The book is available via ISBN 3827191521.
Language: German.
New edition 2023.
This is your selection
Do you agree that the German Fairy Tale Route is one of the top 100 sights in Germany?
Then please vote for us in the survey of the German Tourist Board!
You can cast your vote until June 30th, 2022.
A journey along the German Fairy Tale Route promises fabulous encounters.
Knight Dietrich from Reinhardswald