Guelph Castle

Short facts

  • Hann. Münden

Duke's Castle in Hann. Münden - residence and administrative seat of the Guelphs

The Guelph Castle in Hann. Münden was completed in 1501 by Duke Erich I of Lüneburg-Braunschweig as a Gothic building and from then on served as the residence and administrative seat of the Guelphs. Duchess Elisabeth of Brunswick-Calenberg-Göttingen spent a large part of her life in the Guelph castle in Münden. In 1560 it was almost completely destroyed by fire and rebuilt by Duke Erich II in the style of the early Weser Renaissance.
Today's Guelph Palace is the impressive remnant of earlier residences, which lost its unique splendour with the death of Erich II and from then on was only the occasional residence of the sovereign. In 1849, a fire destroyed the south wing of the castle, which was not rebuilt.

Visit unique Renaissance chambers

Originally preserved in the Welfenschloss Hann. Münden today are two Renaissance chambers with wall paintings covering the entire area. They can only be seen in this form in Hann. Münden and not anywhere else in Germany. The chambers in the castle can be visited on a guided tour.

Today's use of the Guelph castle

Today, in addition to the municipal archives, the municipal library and the local court, the castle also houses the municipal museum, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1998. The museum displays exhibits on the city's history and long-distance trade over land and water. Exhibits by the sculptor Gustav Eberlein, who lived in Hann. Münden for many years, can also be admired there. The sculptor remained closely associated with the town throughout his life. Also on display are products from the Münden faience manufactory, including the manufactory's particularly popular and high-quality net vases.

Not all Guelph castles are the same

The Guelph castle of Hann. Münden is not to be confused with the Guelph castle of Hanover. The latter was built later, from 1857 to 1866, by the architect Christian Heinrich Tramm during the reign of the Kingdom of Hanover under George V. After the Kingdom of Hanover was annexed by Prussia and the Guelphs were dethroned, the castle stood empty for years until the then Royal Technical University moved in. Today, the former castle is home to the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hanover. It is also surrounded by a landscaped park, the Guelph Garden.

Schlossplatz 10

34346 Hann. Münden


Phone: +49 5541 / 75313

Fax: +49 5541 / 75404


Website: hann.muenden-erlebnisregion.en

General information

WeekdayTime of day
14:30 bis 15:40
The Welfenschloss is closed from January to March. In the opening months from April to December, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and all public holidays are closed.
The historic chambers in the Guelph Palace are only accessible during a guided tour. From May to October, Fridays at 2.30 pm.
General Information
  • Parking Available
  • Bus stop available
  • Bad Weather Offer
  • Suitable for any weather
  • for Groups
  • for Class
  • for families
  • for individual guests
  • Suitable for the Elderly
  • for Children of the age of 10 upwards
Foreign Language
  • German
Payment Options
  • Cash
  • Debit Card
Other Furnishing/Equipment
  • Handicapped accessible WC
  • Barrier-free access

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Closed all holidays

Price info

Visits to the historic chambers are possible during a public guided tour of Hann. Münden.


Paid parking directly in front of the Welfenschloss.

More info

The Welfenschloss is home to the Hann. Münden Municipal Museum. Open from April - December.

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