Stadtmuseum Hofgeismar

Short facts

  • Hofgeismar

The Hofgeismar City Museum is a regional museum with several international themes

There has been a museum in Hofgeismar since 1938 as a "local history museum". The reconstruction of the Hofgeismar town museum began in 1977/78, and in 1986 the town museum moved to its current location on Petriplatz. Since then, 12 thematically different, but often "interlinked" permanent exhibitions have been shown in the four buildings. The rooms on the ground floor of House I are barrier-free. Special exhibitions are held here several times a year.

House I:
Prehistory and early history; Pottery in the Reinhardswald; Ceramist Rolf Weber; History of the Huguenots and Waldensians; Garrison town of Hofgeismar; Painter Theodor Rocholl

House II:
Jewish culture in North Hesse; guild and economic history; Bad Hofgeismar; Hofgeismar citizens; artist Wilhelm Hugues; Hofgeismar biotopes; geology

The paintings of the painter Theodor Rocholl are in storage and are regularly presented at special exhibitions.

The Hofgeismar City Museum offers guided tours for interested parties, especially school classes.

Stadtmuseum Hofgeismar

Petriplatz 2

34369 Hofgeismar


Phone: +49 5671 / 4791


Website: www.hofgeismar.de/museum-hofgeismar

General information

WeekdayTime of day
Tuesday - Friday
14:00 bis 17:00
14:00 bis 17:00
Bitte beachten Sie die aktuellen Informationen zu den Öffnungszeiten!
  • Suitable for any weather
  • for Groups
  • for Class
  • for individual guests
  • Pet allowed
  • Suitable for the Elderly
Foreign Language
  • German
  • English
  • French
Other Furnishing/Equipment
  • Toilet
  • Barrier-free access

Monday, Saturday

Price info

Eintritt frei

Spenden erbeten


Genaue Lenkung in Hofgeismar durch Beschilderung (Fußgänger, Autofahrer, etc.)

More info

Das Stadtmuseum Hofgeismar bietet neben den Ausstellungen auch Archive bzw. Bibliotheken zu verschiedenen Themen an.


Haus I:

Hugenotten und Waldenser; Flüchtlinge; Theodor Rocholl; Friedrich I., König von Schweden, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel


Haus II:

Archäologie/Geologie; Garnisonsgeschichte; Biologie; Judaica; Mechthild-Jahn-Bibliothek; Künstler der Region; Kunstbibliothek; Wilhelm Hugues; Hessen-Kassel und Skandinavien; Stadtgeschichte; Zunft und Wirtschaft; Zeitungsarchiv

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